Webinar: SAS IoT Edge to Enterprise

As we know, with the use of IoT applications there are new IT challenges. The size of IoT data grows too fast, for that we need to know how to manage it efficiently. How to store this IoT information? How to analyze and process this information with a cost-effective solution? This June 5th at 2:00 p.m. ET there is programmed the webinar «SAS IoT Edge to Enterprise» presented by experts from Cisco, Futurum Research and SAS


According SAS: «See and hear from internationally recognized IoT experts as they explain edge-to-enterprise and how it will impact you and your organization – in less than 30 minutes. We will discuss ways you can incorporate IoT data, helping you lead the charge when it comes to digital transformation»

With this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • To effectively use IoT data, organizations need the right mix of storing, processing and analyzing their data on-premises, in the cloud and at the edge.
  • Benefits of processing data at the edge, including faster application performance and more relevant, real-time responses to what’s happening now through analytics.
  • The technology you need for digital transformation.

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